It’s an extension of MC Command center mod, that allows you to do different things using UI. The MC woohoo mod is useful if you want realistic gameplay. All it does is (optionally) add some autonomy, and let you customize some things like fertility rate, pregnancy risk, sexual. He split it from the main mod to let people opt out of it.you probably know this, but just for the record, MC Woohoo is not Wicked Whims.

It's a separate download, also found on deaderpool's blog. This will update the settings in ALL saves – old and new.Sims 4 Mc Command Center Woohoo Mod Just DL 'MC Command Center - All Modules Version 7.0.0' + 'MC Woohoo - Version 7.0.0' -Create a new folder / Put all the files in that folder and call it 'McCommandCenterv7.0.0' -Now put the folder into your 'Mods' folder. Start your game and my settings will be used instead of the default.It should overwrite the current settings.cfg file. Place the settings.cfg file into your Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Mods folder (or the subfolder you keep your MC Command Center Mods inside).Download my settings here (MEGA) or here (Mediafire).All it does is (optionally) add some autonomy, and let you customize some things like fertility rate, pregnancy risk, sexual orientations. To get the woohoo module, you will need to follow the link in the mod's description to MTS's sister site. In order for this to work, you will need the main and woohoo modules. You can set the%chance of getting pregnant through any in-game computer. MC Command Center has a risky woohoo capability with the woohoo module. Those are almost always caused by out-of-date mods/cc. For Last Exception errors, those are rarely ever caused by MCCC. For details about that, you should read here. For MC Woohoo, the link is When you first join our Discord server, you will have limited access until you validate you are human and not a bot. For example, “Sims 4 Mods MCCC” will work and “Sims 4 Mods ScriptMods MCCC” will not. ALSO, if the MC Command Center mod files are more than 1 sub-folder deep in the mods folder, the Sims 4 game will not load the scripts and run them so you will get no errors and no log files, it just won’t run. MC Command Center modules for The Sims 4 Thank you for considering supporting my work on the Sims 4! My goal with MC Command Center was to provide missing story progression to the Sims 4 as well as give the player the ability to fine-tune their playing experience to be more 'fun' for their play-style.